
Here you can find everything I have written about the Cambridge Delta

Module One related posts

DIY*- Delta module 1

Continual professional development is very important for me as a teacher. That is why, after 15 years of teaching experience, a BA in English, a M.Ed in Tesol, I decided it was time to do the Delta and I did. But my way. As the Delta is quite pricey and after some of my friends suggested it, I thought, “why not try studying on my own for module 1?”  I did. I passed. This is my story.

Module 2 related posts

Grammar LSA

Today, I am sharing with you my grammar background essay (LSA) for the Delta Cambridge module 2. Please keep in mind that this has been shared with you as an example. Cambridge does not take plagiarism lightly, so do not copy from this assignment. I got a Merit for this paper.

Writing LSA

This is my Delta LSA on writing. This was my external assignment. I got a pass. I am sharing it with you so you can get an idea of what a writing LSA could look like. Please do not copy anything from my assignment. Plagiarism is not taken lightly and Cambridge has zero tolerance of it.

Module 3 related posts

Module 3: EAP specialism

Since I complete and passed the  Cambridge Delta, I thought it would be a good idea to share with you my module 3 assignment. Module 3 is the long assignment. You have to write up to 4500 words on anything you want to specialize in. I chose EAP. When writing this paper, you need to write a  sort of literary review/background of whatever you are specializing in, you have a needs analysis section, you write about assessment and you design a course. I decided to focus on Academic Speaking and my course was going to be a presentation skills course

Principles underlying my teaching

I am currently applying for a Delta module 3 course, and one of the requirements is to write about principles underlying your teaching. There is a 750 word limit and you have to mention examples from your own teaching experience. So, I started thinking about that and it is not very easy to write a short summary of the things you think make for good teaching. So, here is what I consider the most important principles (and part of the essay 🙂.

All three modules-thoughts

D for Delta

When I first heard about the Delta, I was in the UK teaching Pre sessional English (EAP). A lot of my colleagues had a Celta or a Delta. Me? Nada. No, actually scratch that. I had a BA in English, 15 years of teaching experience in various contexts, and an MA in Tesol. Not bad, eh? Well, that’s what I thought, but then everyone would ask me, ” So, have you ever been observed? What about the practical side of teaching? How do you know you can teach?” ” Huh? I dunno. I just know I can teach. I have been doing it for like fifteen years… duh!”

Done with the D

The emotional roller coaster aka the Delta One day later I am done. Finished. Hasta la vista Delta.  In this post I am going to tell you the stages or some of the stages every Delta trainee goes through after submitting/finishing the final module.

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