#thegirliesideofELT: My FUN Planner

So, if you ❤ planning and are kinda girlie continue reading. If you are not, stop reading!!! Once again, I am posting a #girliesideofelt post 7. These are my easy breezy posts. The ones you should be reading whilst having some Rose wine or a nice cup of coffee (or tea).

So, planning. I like planners (I am a Capricorn, so of course I am going to  luv  planning). This post will show you what my planner looks like and will give you some tips on how to ‘girlie’ plan your work and life, like me.

Spoiler alert: I am also going to tell you how to make stickers and where to look for planner stickers.

How I go about planning

Well every weekend, usually in the morning, I pour myself a cup of coffee, turn on my pc, go to YouTube and put on my favourite tunes. I then take out my planner. I have two. A boring one where I write down details about my online sessions ( timetables and mini lesson plans) and a fun one, where I write about what I have to do during the week + work. Thankfully enough, according to my planner, the fun one, I am not a workaholic, cause I actually do have a life and I do do other things as well (well, at least I plan to do them!).

What do I write in my planner?

There are two pages. On one page I write down what I have to do every day: that is appointments, important work stuff, dinner/party plans. The lots.

The other page is where I write down things I have to do for work for example, look for videos and articles for my next sessions or tweak some lesson notes. I also write down my blogging ideas cause, well, I blog a lot, and I have a lot of ideas in my pretty little head, so I write all my ideas in my planner.

My planner

My planner

Do I do everything that I have written in my planner?

Not always, especially my blogging or extra curricular stuff. That’s why I transfer things from one week to the other. That way I can keep track of the things I want to do, but didn’t manage to.

Technical details…. decorating

Com’on! As if I wasn’t going to talk about stickers and washi tape? I decorate my planner. I have bought different colour washi tape to separate the sections in my planner. I also have post-it notes for things I want to move around. I sometimes use post-it notes for my shopping list and then stick it in my purse, so I don’t forget what I need to buy. I use stickers to mark doctor’s appointments, birthdays and fun going out stuff. I also made my own planner stickers. There are loads of websites you can go to and print your own stickers.

washi tape

What do I need for DIY stickers

Not much. You need to buy full sheet white matt sticker paper. Make sure the quality is good. Check to see that you can actually get the sticker off cause I couldn’t and I ended wasting a few A4 sheets. Find the stickers you want to make and then print them using your home printer. It’s a piece of cake!!

DIY planner stickers

Why this way?

  1. It’s fun and relaxing.
  2. It’s like meditating and planning. Soothing.
  3. You actually end up doing more things when you write them down.
  4.  It’s cute.

Instead of stressing over things, by putting them down in my planner and decorating, it makes me “think” that the week that follows will be a good week. By writing everything down I also have a clear picture of the things I want to do, and actually have seen that I do end up doing most of them. And anyways, decorating is pretty, and I like pretty shiny stuff. FYI: just so you know,  my planner ends up actually being a planner/scrapbook/journal.

Useful links for DIY stickers

Vintage Glams Studio

Shopping list

Do I need to plan this way? Nope. Do I enjoy it? Yeap.

If you are really ‘into’ planning, you may want to have a look at the Erin Condren life planners. They look really nice.

That’s all folks. Talk soon xxx

11 thoughts on “#thegirliesideofELT: My FUN Planner

    • 😀 😀 I love writing these light-hearted posts and I am glad you enjoy reading them. We really have to meet some day and exchange planning info :p. I want to buy the Condren planner as well, but I am still on the fence about it. Let me know how it works for you!!!


  1. Since you’re ate it, could you actually make a few extra for me and mail them? Awesome stuff especially your diary/notebook. 🙂 😉


  2. I love this post! I find the way other people plan their lives fascinating, partly because it helps me feel better about the way I do it! Mine’s nowhere near as pretty as yours, but it works for me which is the key thing. I like the ideathat the plan makes you feel like this is going to be a good week – mine is more day to day, but I know now what I can realistically achieve ina day, and it makes me feel so much more positiveabout it. like you, I include social life in there too, to remind me to do stuff other than blogging 😉


    • Thanks Sandy.
      For a while now I have been planning this way and it’s just much more pleasant and positive (and pretty :D). This is working for me and I think that’s the most important thing. Finding a way to plan and get things done.
      I do day to day for my online lessons and then weekly+ day to day in the more laid back planner.
      Jeeze now that I have written this down, I do plan a lot!!!
      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: How I plan: decorative planning for beginners | My Pink Rambles

  4. Pingback: Girlie side of ELT post 9: Teacher stickers for your lesson plans/planners :) | My Elt Rambles

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