11 Things (blog challenge)

11 things blog challenge.jpgHi everyone!!

I haven’t rambled here for a while cause I have been super busy teaching, cause I don’t really have that much to share regarding my teaching, cause blog number 2 is getting all my TLC and cause well I dunno! Anyhooooooooo, I was tagged in the 11 random facts/ 11 things blog challenge and while I think I have already written one of these a zillion posts ago, I thought I’d write a 2nd post cause I got tagged quite a bit and cause it’s fun.

So, Kevin started the idea and Claire, Sandy and Elly have nominated me, so here are my answers to Clare’s questions. She tagged me first :p (xx Sandy and Elly thanks for the tag).


How this works

Share 11 random facts

Answer 11 questions asked by the person who tagged you

Nominate 11 bloggers

Ask 11 questions for them to answer

Welcome to my random world

  1.  I am a Capricorn
  2. My favourite song is “Should I stay or should I go” by the Clash.
  3. My favourite city is London.
  4. My favourite ‘romantic’ city is Strassburg.
  5. My favourite Greek dish is stuffed tomatoes with rice.
  6. I once made tea, started drinking it,and then realised I also boiled a spider. Yes, I live to tell the story.
  7. Even though I am colour blind, my favourite colour is pink. I think. It’ the colour I gravitate towards so I must love it.
  8. I am afraid of heights and wooden bridges.I don’t like glass floors or glass elevators either.
  9. I am a wannabe fashionista.
  10. I’d love to do a PhD but I don’t have the energy to do it. I am looking into MAs that have to do with writing or journalism.
  11. I am materialistic and I know it. So, I guess that’s one step in the right direction, right? I wish someone would give me a Channel bag already.


Clare’s questions

One: How are you feeling today?

I am exhausted. I have been running around like a crazy teacher cause my students were taking proficiency exams and I also had various social events: a get-together, a birthday party and a hen party. That’s a lot of stuff for a gal my age!

Two: What book is closest to you as you write this? And would you recommend it to others? Why (not)?

That’s interesting.I have two books. A notebook/planner and an actual book. The planner is really important for me cause I love planning both as a creative outlet but also cause it helps me get things done. The book next to me is The decision book: fifty models for strategic thinking by Krogerus and Tschappeler. I like this book a lot. It is great for people who want to be productive and love planning (like me). There are many interesting strategic thinking models and they are explained in a way that is very easy to understand (I actually reviewed it for blog number 2 here)

Three: What’s your top tip for de-stressing after a hard day at work?

Do something you like. For me it’s watching YouTube videos about applying makeup or sitting, drinking some coffee and blogging. Just do your thing and stop thinking about whatever is stressing you out!

Four: Have you ever learnt any foreign languages? How has this helped you be a better language teacher?

So, I grew up in Sydney and the foreign language I learnt at school was Greek which is actually the language my parents used when they spoke to me at home ( I didn’t speak Greek as a kid). I then moved to Greece and English became the foreign language I learnt at school (which sounds odd. I know). The only foreign langauge that I actually learnt and had nothing to do with where I lived etc.etc.  were  German and Spanish. I sucked at Spanish!! I didn’t learn a thing cause I actually never showed up for lessons ( I was in uni. I had other ‘things’ to do). I learnt German and I like the language. I would say I can communicate a bit,but not that well. I can only talk about the present and have no idea how to use past tenses! It has helped me out cause I realise that motivation is key to learning a language and I try to instill that into my learners’ minds. I also know how hard it is to learn and use a language. The fact that I moved from Australia to Greece and moved from an English-speaking school to a Greek speaking school as a teenager was extremely challenging. I struggled a lot. I felt embarrassed for not being able to communicate my thoughts and that allows me to empathise with my learners.

Five: Describe your teaching style by comparison to an animal, and explain the similarities!

Oh! That’s easy. Stubborn as a mule/ donkey.

I am gonna get the message across even if I am blue in the face,poor student. I will try to find a way to get you to understand whatever I am trying to help you understand!

Six: What are your areas of specialism & expertise within ELT / teaching, and your strengths as a teacher?

I have been teaching for 18 years. I used to teach young learners  and exam classes mostly.  I have moved on to ESP. I love teaching and learning about EAP and BE. Am I an expert? Don’t think so, but I really have fun teaching these types of English.

Seven: Which are the most recently used smiley/emojis on your mobile phone/whatsapp or instant messenger programme?

❤ ❤ always!

Eight: What was the most recent photo you took?

I shared this one on Instagram. It is from a tavern we went to have my friend’s hen party.

sunset cropped.jpg


Nine: Where are you based, and would you recommend working there to others?

I am based in Greece, but I teach online (mostly). I would definitely recommend teaching online. I also teach EAP in The UK and definitely recommend that too!!

Ten: What’s your best memory of a lesson you’ve taught?

Hmmm I don’t know how to asnwer that one. I have had loads of great teaching experiences. Cannot really mention just one!

Eleven: What would you like to say to me, now that I’ve nominated you for this challenge?!

Thanks for nominating me Clare (and Elly, Sandy). You know I enjoy tags! These tags are a great way to learn more about the person/teacher.

A question from Sandy’s questions:

What tip would you offer to a new blogger?

Write about the things you love. Blog when you feel like it. Don’t worry about page views. If you really like blogging and want to start a second one. Go for it! I have 2 blogs!!!

A question from Elly’s questions:

Who inspires you (Personally or professionally)?

Anything that challenges me, inspires me. I like to push my limits. I like to take (calculated) risks. You only live once, so you gotta make your ‘what ifs?’, ‘I dids’.

So now my 11  semi-random questions 😀

1. How do you spend your free time?

2. What’s your favourite song?

3. What’s your favourite food?

4. My guilty pleasure is…….. (fill in the sentence).

5. Share a picture. What is of (inspired by Clare)?

6. If you could go anywhere in the world to teach, where would you go and why?

7. What’s your top tip for new teachers?

8. What’s your top tip for teachers who feel burnt out?

9. If I wasn’t an English teacher , I would be a/ an…….

10. What’s the funniest thing that has happened during a lesson?

11. Describe a typical work day.

I am nominating aka you have been tagged, and yes, you can thank me later…   😀




T. Veigga


Maria Theologidou



I know I haven’t tagged 11 people, but I am also tagging you/ anyone who likes my questions and feels like writing something :). Also, many of you have already been tagged.

Happy Sunday!

Till next time……


5 thoughts on “11 Things (blog challenge)

  1. Beautiful photo!! Hope the hen party went well!
    I’M also going to read your post about that book, and I wanted to ask: Where do you teach EAP in the UK? Is it pre-sessionals? I’ve been thinking of giving that a go, too… any tips?? xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Clare!
    Yes, in the UK and I teach presessional EAP courses. I will be at Sheffield uni this summer (my 3rd summer there). You should definitely apply. Check out the Baleap website to see if there are still pre-sessional EAP jobs to apply for. I say go for it!! I ❤ teaching EAP!! I have written loads of blog posts about it (blog promo :p), like how to apply, what to put in the CV . Just press the EAP tab. Send me an FB message if you need help with something. xxx


  3. Thanks for the tag – I’ll post my comments some time this week. I like your point about being a language learner and knowing how your students feel in certain situations – particularly embarrassing ones! I think that this can really help us to be better teachers.

    Liked by 1 person

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